Signature campaign for lawyers on death fast in Turkey


A group of lawyers, intellectuals, writers, politicians, human rights defenders, journalists and citizens started a campaign for lawyers Ebru Timtik and Aytaç Ünsal and their clients Didem Akman and Özgür Karakaya who are on hunger strike demanding justice.

While hundreds of people supported the signature campaign, a call was made to the government to meet their demands.

The campaign text said: “The State, which has to provide justice without the need of being asked to do so, is failing to do so, which is why our friends are using their bodies in their call for justice.

Mustafa Koçak and Helin Bölek lost their lives as a result of a death fast they initiated because their demands were not met. We are painful and angry for Ibrahim Gökçek, who also lost his life after calling off the death fast, in the hospital where he was being treated.”

The statement reminded that lawyers Ebru Timtik and Aytaç Ünsal have been on death fast for 137 and 106 days respectively. Their clients Didem Akman and Özgür Karakaya are also on hunger strike.

The organisers called on everybody to sign the text which can be found here

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