Tag "Evin Prison"
Back to homepageCecilia Sala liberata e rientrata in Italia
Il rientro in Italia della giornalista, accolta a Ciampino dalla premier e dall’emozione dei suo cari. Poi il podcast: «Ciao, sono tornata». Finalmente a casa, dopo venti giorni di prigionia a Evin. Una psicologa sul volo. E tre ore dai Ros all’arrivo
Read MoreIran – Ongoing Vendetta against Nasrin Sotoudeh 0
On September 26, Nasrin Sotoudeh, with her health deteriorating, broke her hunger strike, which had been ongoing since August 11 in defence of Iran’s political prisoners
Read MoreNasrin Sotoudeh Takes On Iranian Regime (…once again) 0
Nasrin Sotoudeh, the Iranian human rights lawyer last year sentenced to 38 years in prison (and 158 lashes) by the Islamic Republic of Iran, has this week managed to post a statement from her prison cell
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