Tag "jihadist"
Back to homepageSiria. Come disgregare il Medio Oriente: la Jihad occupa Aleppo
I jihadisti avanzano in modo fulmineo sostenuti da Turchia, Israele e Usa. Piegati gli Hezbollah, decimati i palestinesi, frantumata la Siria, pronti a colpire l’Iran, l’asse israelo-americano vede più vicino il progetto “imperiale” di fare dello stato ebraico l’incontrastata superpotenza della regione
Read MoreBrussels and sealed Europe
The keyword after the jihadist massacre that hit Brussels, causing 31 dead and 230 wounded, is: “sealing”
Read MoreIsis: the inside story 0
One of the Islamic State’s senior commanders reveals exclusive details of the terror group’s origins inside an Iraqi prison – right under the noses of their American jailers. Report by Martin Chulov
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