Big Jump for Hasankeyf 

Big Jump for Hasankeyf 


Three environmental movements called for action today and tomorrow in around 20 cities against the Ilısu Dam, which will leave Hasankeyf and the Tigris Valley inundated.

The call came from Hasankeyf Coordination, Initiative to make Hasankeyf Live and Mesopotamia Ecology Movement.

The three movements invited mayors and elected representatives from the municipalities around Hasankeyf to meet at the “Elected representatives meeting” to be held today at 1 pm.

The second invitation is for tomorrow, Sunday, to join the “Big Jump” which is held every second Sunday of July.

The Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) will read a press release today: 14 HDP deputies and the co-mayors of the affected areas, HDP PM and HDP members will gather at 1 pm in Hasankeyf and go to Ilısu where the dam is being built.

Actions are to be held in the following cities: Hasankeyf / Batman, Istanbul, Ankara, Antalya, Nevsehir, Sine / Eastern Kurdistan, Baghdad / Iraq, Sarajevo / Bosnia and Herzegovina, Berlin / Germany, Hamburg / Germany, Mainz / Germany, Wendland / Germany, Munich / Germany, Nuremberg / Germany , London / United Kingdom, Dundee / Scotland, Copenhagen / Denmark, Manlleu / Catalonia, Rio de Janeiro / Brazil.

Tags assigned to this article:
HasankeyfHdpMesopotamia Ecology Movement

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