Tag "human rights"

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Turkey. Lawyer Aytaç Ünsal sent a letter on is 110th day on death fast


The lawyers are demanding a fair trial. Lawyer Ebru Timtik is on the 141st day of death fast, while lawyer Aytaç Ünsal is on the 110th day

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Solidarity keeps us alive! Campaign for the release of political prisoners


The Free Women Movement (TJA) launched a campaign with other international women organizations called “Solidarity keeps us alive” in favour of political prisoners

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Remember, Boycott Turkey, NOW!


The list of outrages perpetrated by the Turkish republic, under the authoritarian rule of Turkish President Erdoğan in recent years seem endless. The enormous silence surrounding these criminal acts is equally outrageous

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Dilan Ekin, a member of Grup Yorum, was detained on 8 May, along with 16 other people, during the police attack on the funeral of Grup Yorum member Ibrahim Gökçek

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Turkish government dismiss and arrest more HDP mayors


HDP won 65 municipalities, 3 of which metropolitan cities in the local elections of 31 March 2019. 45 municipalities have been seized and taken over by state-appointed trustees so far

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Grup Yorum bassist Ibrahim Gökçek dies in hospital


IbrahimGökçek, bassist of the socialist band Grup Yorum, led a death fast protest for 323 days in protest at the state repression against his group

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Ibrahim Gökçek ends the hunger strike


Grup Yorum has announced that Gökçek has ended his action

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Resistance. For Ilhan Comak and all political prisoners in Turkey


İlhan Sami Çomak, who was born in 1973, was arrested as a young student in 1994. There is currently a campaign and increased publicity to try and get this poet released

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New call for the release of Kurdish poet İlhan Sami Çomak jailed in Turkey for 26 years


Turkey counts so many political prisoners (there are currently up to 70,000 students in jail) that it can be easy to get human rights fatigue when reporting on the country

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Outrage – and More Outrage …Lest we forget Hevrîn Khalaf


On 12 October 2019, Hevrîn Khalaf and her driver were killed by Turkish-backed Ahrar al-Sharqiya mercenaries near the M4 Motorway as part of the Turkish military invasion «Operation Spring Peace»

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Turkey: Decision to re-arrest writer Ahmet Altan a scandalous injustice


Ahmet Altan has committed no crime. He was released last Monday, following a unanimous court decision. His three years of pre-trial detention are a travesty of justice as is the sentence imposed on him

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“Turkey seeks to open new lands for ISIS to prolong its life”


The General Command of the Military Councils in Al-Jazeera region called on human rights organizations, the European Union and the United Nations to take an anti-invasion stand

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Against Erasure: Art and Sudan’s Sit-in


More than 100 people were killed and hundreds injured in the government’s June 3 attack on a sit-in in Khartoum

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Turkey – Damned Again…


Turkey has continued to move further away from the European Union,” noted the commission in its annual report on enlargement, the European Commission’s  report on Ankara’s progress towards membership

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Dareen Tatour’s Appeal Partially Accepted: Poem Is Not a Crime


An update on the ongoing struggle of Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour by Marcia Lynx Qualey of Arabit.org

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Extrajudicial Killing Dims Hopes for Colombia’s Demobilized FARC


Dimar Torres, a demobilized member of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), was shot just outside of Campo Alegre

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Öcalan’s lawyer: Isolation means war


Lawyer Ibrahim Bilmez is one of the lawyer of Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Öcalan, from Asrin Hukuk Burosu

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Open Letter to UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt


Seven Kurdish political prisoners in Turkey have taken their own lives in the last three weeks

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Another Soul on IceTurkey’s Ongoing Attack on ‘Freedom’


Ahmet Altan, 69 year old writer… is in cell in Silivri Prison, on the outskirts of Istanbul

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