Tag "Syrian Democratic Forces"

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Macer Gifford. “The Ordinary Man who went to War Against ISIS” 0


Macer Gifford (Kurdish name) is the former British currency trader who fought with the Kurdish YPG militia against the Islamic State. Gifford fought with the YPG in 2015 and in 2016

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Outrage – and More Outrage …Lest we forget Hevrîn Khalaf


On 12 October 2019, Hevrîn Khalaf and her driver were killed by Turkish-backed Ahrar al-Sharqiya mercenaries near the M4 Motorway as part of the Turkish military invasion «Operation Spring Peace»

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Raqqa: Back to Life


Raqqa was the city ISIS jihadists proclaimed the capital of their Caliphate. It is also one of the city which suffered most and witnessed inhuman massacres, beheading, violence difficult to express with words

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Final declaration of International Forum on ISIS


The International Forum on ISIS was organized by the Rojava Strategic Research Center (NRLS) in the Beylesan hall in Amude (province of Qamishlo, Rojava)

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Turkey steps up military intervention in Iraq


Turkey’s main aim is to crush movements for democracy and Kurdish rights

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What Next in Afrin?


Over a year has passed since the might of NATO’s second largest military machine with its fighter jets overran what had one of the safest regions in a Syria gutted by years of civil war and bloodshed

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Uncertain Times in Rojava – The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria


What is the future for the democratic revolution trying to unfold in North and East Syria?

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Syrian Democratic Forces: Statement to public opinion


We affirm that our war against Daesh terrorism will continue until full victory is achieved with the total elimination of its existence

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Rebuilding on quicksand


Challenges posed by the geopolitical jigsaw in Syria’s north-east are putting an unprecedented social experiment on the brink

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Syrian Democratic Forces: “To the Public Opinion”


The White House’s decision to withdraw from northern and eastern Syria will negatively affect the campaign against terrorism of ISIS

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Rojava – More Unprovoked Turkish Aggression


“Turkey’s attacks on the Kobani countryside and Tel Ebyid villages is considered as giving ISIS aid to organize it’s ranks…” said Hakki Kobani, for the SDF

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TEV-DEM Muslim talks about Idlib and need to build trust for real talks


TEV-DEM International Department chair, Salih Muslim said Turkey has a difficult choice ahead as to what to do with the mercenaries terror groups it has promoted and sponsored

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Turkey was conducting a policy of “demographic change” in the area despite denials by the regime in Ankara.

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Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Statement on UN Resolution 2401


The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are the official defense force of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava

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We are now well over four weeks into the Turkish military assault on Afrin, Rojava (Western Kurdistan), one more week of massive airstrikes and use of heavy weaponry

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WAR ON AFRIN: The First Seven Days


Just over a week into the Turkish military assault on Rojava, conflicting reports give varying updates on the situation in the Afrin canton

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The “Historic Resistance”. Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Statement


Attacks by the invading Turkish state against Afrin and Northern Syria continue

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Kurdish-led SDF liberate Raqqa


Brigadier General Talal Silo, a spokesman for the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced to the world media the fall of the Islamic State’s self-proclaimed capital, on Tuesday, 17 October

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